Jirásek Bridge
Jirásek Bridge in Prague is the sixth bridge over the Vltava River. The nearby Palacký Bridge wasn't sufficient for the bustling and booming Smíchov, and so a new bridge was built between Smíchov and New Town.
The construction of the bridge began in 1929 and was completed in 1933. It was designed by architect Vlastimil Hofman and engineer František Mencl. This is already a reinforced iron concrete bridge.
It measures 310 meters and is 21 meters wide. It has 5 concrete pillars, lined with granite blocks, and 6 parabolic arcs. The bridge was put into operation in two stages. First, only its middle part was used for trams and two years later the rest started to be used by cars. The tracks were later removed.
The simple artistic decoration of the bridge signifies that the purpose of the bridge is mainly the transport function. The surface of the outer area is of plaster of artificial stone, while concrete railings and lighting poles have glazed patio surface.
On both bridge-heads there are pylons with decorative fountains and obelisks. The bridge was named after Czech writer Alois Jirásek, who, in the years 1903 to 1930, lived in the house No. 1775 in today's Jiráskovo Square.
You can view Jirasek Bridge during some of our longer cruises. For more information on where our boats and steamers sail, see here.