Charles Bridge
Charles Bridge is one of the most visited sights in the whole of the Czech Republic. It is the oldest stone bridge in Prague and the second oldest in the Czech Republic which have survived until today.
The bridge was named after its founder, Charles IV. who had it built in the middle of the 14th century at a place of its predecessor, the Judith Bridge. The construction of the bridge was entrusted to only 27 year old architect Peter Parler. It was completed at the beginning of the 15th century.
Its reputation the bridge gained namely thanks to the connection of strict Gothic and monumental Baroque sculptural decoration. 30 statues and a crucifix have been placed there over 300 years. The most famous sculptures were designed by Matthias Bernard Braun.
Over the bridge there led the famous Royal Route. It was also important from a military point of view when the Swedes attacked the city in 1648. In the past the bridge was was used by horse trams, trams, buses and even cars. Today, however, it is dedicated to pedestrians only.
The bridge is 516 meters long and 10 meters wide. It is carried by 16 pillars and is constructed of sandstone blocks. In 2010 an extensive renovation of Charles Bridge was completed.